Frequently asked questions

When we speak of popular music in the following, we are always talking about popular music that allows for all perspectives, and takes into account cultural as well as media and economic influences, and that sees itself as an art form that can and may be influenced by a complex variety of factors. By popular music we mean all genres and varieties of popular music that are not clearly assigned to the categories of classical and new music or jazz. This also includes all forms of cross-genre and experimental pop music.

Funding models for the development of music in Germany are now available in almost all German states. However, further reliable structures are needed at the federal, state and regional levels to meaningfully interlink what already exists and to support the establishment of new funding institutions. Last but not least, in the federal system, there should be a link between domestic music promotion and music export.

A fundamental rethinking, e.g. in the area of digital music productions and sustainability, but also diversity in the curation of stages, still has to take hold among industry participants and artists, because we all want and need new, creative music producers and promising new ideas, and where, if not among young musicians, can we find them?

And that is precisely why it is important to promote and value young talent in Bremerhaven and Bremen and to initiate their involvement in industry communications. Young musicians on the threshold of professionalism must come into contact with experienced professionals, and the administration can also create and protect open spaces for popular music with financial commitment. The value of music is thus not only a monetary indicator, but also a location factor and serves the medium-term goal of promoting the pop-cultural attractiveness of the state of Bremen.

The POP Office Bremen actively supports the music scene of the state of Bremen as a driving force of its cultural and economic identity. In this sense, it acts as a funding institution, a central point of contact and advice, and a mediator between culture and politics for musicians, DJs and music creators. The support of musicians:inside. DJs and music projects takes place through a wide variety of funding programs.

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