Henrik Paro has been making music himself since the age of 16 and currently plays in various bands. While studying at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen, he also started making music videos. Professionally, Henrik has been working independently as a filmmaker since 2013, but mainly as an editor. He also acts as a cameraman or director.
Hannes Rademacher aka Alain Sussex is a writer, director and format developer at Sendefähig GmbH in Bremen. He has years of experience in music and humor video. Hannes is currently nominated for the Grimme Award 2023 with the mockumentary series “Szene-Report” (ARD).
As the duo “Paro & Sussex”, the two can answer all your questions about the interfaces between music and moving images:
“Paro & Sussex (aka Henrik Paro & Hannes Rademacher) together make videos and other so-called fun, also known as fun, lovingly and firmly united under the slogan DO IT WRONG (a.k.a. UPTONOGOOD). They met in the smoker’s corner. In the meantime, quite a few things have happened, for example stuff for Erotik Toy Records, Grandhotel van Cleef and so on. Baselines of their joint work (aka oeuvre) are a shared enthusiasm for pop culture, rushing around and ordering beers from Lieferando at 1:30 in the morning (a.k.a. normal life as an editor).”